Sunday, March 8, 2020

Fixed Expressions Quiz in English

Fixed Expressions Quiz in English English uses a number of fixed expressions in everyday conversations and writing. For example: Im going to go come rain or come shine.To tell you the truth, I dont enjoy going to parties. The following quiz provides a number of fixed expressions. Each fixed expression has one or two wrong word(s) in it. Find the word(s) and write it (them) down. To help you integrate these expressions when you speak English, see if you can translate the expressions into your own language. Once you have translated the phrases, think of ways that you would use them in your language and try to translate back into English. Fixed Expressions Quiz Im afraid thats never come into my mind.Hes so happy as a clam since he met Linda.You decide. Its up for you.Could you put in a good sentence for me with the boss?What of the world do you mean?Shes so very pleased of her new car.I can assure you that it is a happiness to deal with you.Jack feels very strong about the need for a new park in town.It has showed to our attention that your daughter has missed five classes.Id like to thank you for behalf of our company.That listens like a wonderful opportunity!Hes got mixed feelings with his new school.Im sorry. I didnt keep that. What did you say?Thank you as much for inviting me to the party!Could you hold up a moment, please? Answer Key Each mistake is in  bold  with the correct word following in  italics. Im afraid thats never  come into  entered  my mind.Hes  so  as  happy as a clam since he met Linda.You decide. Its up  for  to  you.Could you put in a good  sentence  word  for me with the boss?What  of  in  the world do you mean?Shes so very pleased  of  with  her new car.I can assure you that it is a  happiness  pleasure  to deal with you.Jack feels very  strong  strongly  about the need for a new park in town.It has  showed  come  to our attention that your daughter has missed five classes.Id like to thank you  for  on  behalf of our company.That  listens  sounds  like a wonderful opportunity!Hes got mixed feelings  with  about  his new school.Im sorry. I didnt  keep  catch  that. What did you say?Thank you  as  so  much for inviting me to the party!Could you hold  up  on  a moment, please?

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